14 Replies

Hi it is normal for baby to be very cranky during the first three months. They are also trying to adapt to the new world. I find that newborns usually cry coz of tummy upset like bloatedness, hunger or tiredness. If you have tried ru Yi oil and it doesn't work maybe you can try rid wind drops or massage his tummy clockwise more and press his knees to his stomach. If this doesn't work maybe he is tired. Newborns usually need to nap like every two hours so have to make him sleep before he gets over tired. Stick to a schedule. Another reason could be he is hungry? They go through several growth spurts during the initial months and especially in the evening they like to cluster feed , meaning feed a few times in a short span of a few hours. This is to prep them for the long night sleep so maybe you can try to feed him? If all these don't work then you have to stay positive and just think these will pass in a few months time. My gal was like this. She cried and cried and could not nap unless I carry her. I could not see light at the end of the tunnel and I was always in a foul mood too. All these will pass eventually . Cuddle your baby and listen to some music . Take care

Chillax. First, throw superstition out the window. Second, do the regular checks for diaper, hungry, any discomforts. Thirdly, consider if it is colic (babies just cry v long at abt the same time everyday). Fourthly, which I think is like to be true is that ur baby is going through a growth spurt. There is one at 2-3 wks and at 4-6 wks. They will be more fussy and their sleeping and feeding patterns will change so it could just be one of the phase and it will be over soon

Super Mum

Hi mummy! My baby was like this too! It's a passing phase. Most likely like what other mummies said, it could be over tired as babies this young should not be awake for more than an hour and it could be growth spurt as well. Or for my case, my baby was likely looking for the confinement nanny who was no longer around. Jiayou! Be calm and cuddle your baby as much as possible. They need a sense of security.

Firstly, calm down the more frustrated you get the more you will find it hard to calm your baby. After all the standard checks like diaper or tired and your baby is still crying, den it would be best to either call the Paed or make a visit there to make sure everything is fine. Also sometimes, the ride to the doctor's might actually calm the baby down.

Okay, myths are just myths. Now, could baby be having colic? Babies at a month old are usually hungry, diaper change, tired or colic. Back to basics and check one at a time. Above all, baby can feel your vibes. If you are stressed out, baby wi follow suit.

It’s probably the stomach / colic... try holding baby face down with some pressure on the stomach... should stop crying in 30 seconds. If that happens... the stomach was the problem area... go ahead and give some colic aid medicine....

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I think most probably baby is having colic. It happens in evening for 1-2hours long. Try 'tiger in the tree' hold while baby is non stop crying. And also try tummy massage while baby is calmer :)

Most prolly could be colic, can try to give baby gripe water or rub some oilment at baby's back n tummy. If baby been crying for too long can try bringing baby out of the house for a walk

Super Mum

Try this gripe water.. one time my baby also keep crying got no reason.. den I tried this.. and it calm him down.. maybe its colic..

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