Hi mummies, do anyone has the same problem? My child just turn one but her weight doesn’t seems to gain. Though she more to the smaller percentile range since birth. But I cannot help worry. She neither picky eater nor less eater. Her formula intake normal although she quite active.. any suggestions? On the side note, isit normal if she’s teething, with lots of saliva but no teeth to appear yet #worrymommy #advisepls
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Baby girl just turn 1 year old, went for regular checkup. The doctor say her height is at the lower 10% percentile, but her weight is normal 9.1kg at 50% percentile and her head is normal 46cm. She didn’t grow much in height, 2 months ago is 71cm. She likes to eat 8am cereal, 10am porridge, 1pm 150ml breastmilk, 4pm 200ml breastmilk, 6pm noodles, 8pm snack, 9pm latch breastmilk to sleep Her dad is 174cm and I’m 164cm. Is it normal for her slow height growth? What can I do to help her grow tall? #firstmom #worrymommy
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