Hi I am a FTM here and have a 3 weeks old infant. I feed my bb on demand and realized her appetite have increased from 90ml to 100ml. (If I stick to 90ml, she still demand for more so i increased to 100ml and she can finish it and fall aslp again) I am kinda shocked for a 3 weeks old bb to drink so much. Please advise if this is the normal intake for 3 weeks old bb? What is the avg guideline? #advicepls #firsttiimemom
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Hi mummies. My due date is on 15th April. Just wanna check when did you all applied for maternity at work? I would like to start mine on the start of March. Is it too early? Can i check with the gynae if its okay? We will need the letter from the gynae before it’s approved right? #1stimemom #bantusharing #advicepls #firsttiimemom
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