Sidekick mental health and support
The importance of good mental health and support. Keeping track of your baby's movements and kicks. Sleeping on your side. Avoiding smoking, including passive smoking. These are the key drivers of Project Sidekicks in its aim to reduce the risk of stillbirth and help parents have healthy pregnancy. Have you joined the cause and help raise awareness? Share about Project Sidekicks with those who are pregnant today! #ProjectSidekicks #TAPSidekicks #SleepOnSide #Countbabykicks #KicktheButt
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#CountBabyKicks (Kick Counter)
Feeling your baby's movement - a kick, a hiccup, a wriggle - is one of the most exciting aspects of every pregnancy journey. It sure beats backache, bloatedness, stretchmarks and all the other possible ailments that come with pregnancy. If you are four to five months into your pregnancy, start counting kicks with theAsianparent's Kick Counter feature on its app! #ProjectSidekicks #TAPSidekicks #CountBabyKicks
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