urban, Singapore
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Dreaming of becoming a parent
Baby Nursing Rooms and Diaper change essentials (Survey)
https://forms.gle/q4eA8f8pfHUSq4oe7 Hi fellow parents and guardians. I am conducting this survey for my degree module BUS334 (Business Analytics) from Murdoch University. This study is conducted to gather data on Baby Nursing room challenges faced by parents/Guardians. The data collected will be solely used for research purposes only and no personal data is collected or required. Thank you for your participation.
Đọc thêmSurvey for Parents (Baby Essentials In Nursing Rooms)
Hey can help me up with this survey Hi parents , me and my partner have a ongoing assignment/project on baby essentials needs. For that, we are including this survey to get insights on how baby nursing rooms are either used or rejected. Also, to get feedbacks on the idea of having baby diapers changing essentials included inside of nursing rooms as a form of vending machines that dispenses a essentials pack. Please feel free to click onto the following link to participate in this study. thank you all parents ! https://forms.gle/DZi9arEPQCLegKrAA
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