My precious little baby boy is born on his 33weeks of age. Since he is premature, how do I determine his age or when/where do I start counting his age? Nurse mentioned to me that premature baby's age currently is in term basis and that his age is still unidentify. Anyone can enlighten me? #advicepls
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Estimate Date of Delivery (EDD)
My wife's doctor in Malaysia made their calculations of my wife's first (LMP) and with the first baby scan, they come out with our baby's EDD to be on the 25th Febuary 2024. In week 21, we made our first detailed scan at a private clinic (Sonobee Kota Malacca). There isn't a Antenatal scan provided for a government subsidy in Malaysia. Totally fine with it. So turns out that after doing measurements of our baby, the calculations on the ultrasound by the private clinic (Sonobee Kota Malacca) sets that the baby's EDD is on the 2nd March 2024. ------------------------------------------------------------------- - The baby is very well, no early signs of down syndrome symptoms, the growth of our baby is on a smaller scale just a shy below average according to the doctor which is totally fine. ------------------------------------------------------------------- So back to it, week 27, we then handed over our details to Singapore KKH from Malaysia because we want our baby to be born in Singapore. We made this decision earlier during the pregnancy. We only took the medical advantage in Malaysia as it is free because my wife is a Malaysian. So the first Antenatal scan(Growth scan) in Singapore KKH was at week 28. After the scan, the doctor/counsellor told us that our baby appeared smaller than average. They told us that our baby weights at 930g when it supposed to be 1.1kg by now. So much negative feedbacks from the doctor and we were totally down about it. I was very unhappy with the way the doctor in Singapore who did the scan. She seems very rushed and the scan she did was half heartedly. So we decided to opt out for another scan. We did it in a private clinic(Sonobee Bukit Indah) in Malaysia. At first, we start questioning ourselves that maybe because we got many negative feedbacks from the doctor that we act up and get all frustrated by everything. We start to doubting our doctor's advice like we know everything. We then did research and play doctors ourselves and get all worked up about everything. It was very stressful. After the scan in the private clinic(Sonobee Bukit Indah) the doctors said that there is nothing to worry. The baby is in great shape. Matters in fact, the ultrasound calculated our baby weights at 1.12kg whereas just 3 days ago, the Antenatal scan done in Singapore KKH weights our baby to be 930g. WHAT A BIG GAP! So we starts explaining to the doctor at the private clinic that we doubting our scan in Singapore KKH and this and that and turns out the doctor said that there are doctors who is a doctor but majored in other part of science. In the private clinic(Sonobee Bukit Indah), the doctor specialist in Sonogram. She told us that many doctors in government sectors always neglect to measure the phantom bone. Turns out that our baby EDD here also set at 2nd March 2024. Now which is accurate? The private clinic doctor(Sonobee Bukit Indah) said that the most accurate scan is the detailed scan made in week 21. Our Specialist in KKH said that scans done privately is invalid. #EDD ##firsttimemom ##advicepls - I personally recommend all Singaporeans to do an Anternatal Detailed scan with any Sonobee outlet in Malaysia. The one in Bukit Indah had a doctor that specialist in Sonogram. She is small and petite looking but her understanding in sonogram and the way she explains is top notch very detailed. Did not get her name tho.
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The day before, we were told that our baby is too small; 930g at 28w2d. The doctor said that there could be many reasons. - Baby naturally small - Baby showing down syndrome symptoms - Mother dietary Today, we had an appointment with our gynae specialist. But before that, my wife took her BP and urine test. Her blood pressure is normal. We were called by our gynae specialist and was informed that there is an excessive protein in my wife's urine test. The specialist advised us to do a urine lab test to further investigate the matter. She also mention that this could be a life threatening issue for the mother. So we agreed to proceed for the urine lab test. So now, my wife is extremely worried of the test result next week and she is in no condition mentally to stay strong. My heart hurts so badly to see my wife all weak and constantly crying. She kept thinking what if she dies. I don't know what to do other than comforting her over and over and submit everything to Allah. I see in Asianparent app that there are also plenty of mothers here having this same issue with their urine. Is it a common thing to have excessive protein in the urine and what can we do? #urine #protein #test
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• Baby fetus at 28w2d We were told today that our baby fetus size is small. As of today after our Antenatal check-up, our baby is approximate 930g. According to the doctor (not OBGYN Specialist), the size of our baby fetus should be approximate 1.1kg ideally. We were advised that this growth could be because: - Baby naturally small (Genes/Parents) - Baby might be diagnose with down sydrome - Mother dietary After hearing from the doctor, I did a self research and find out that the ideal size for our baby fetus is not 1.1kg but 1kg. I know it's differences is only by 100g but 1kg is alot closer to 930g than 1.1kg. Can anyone here enlighten me? We are both trying to not be totally affected by the doctor's advice. The doctor could be right, but the the doctor could also be wrong. The tolerance of an accurate ultrasound proven to be in a window of 2-4weeks. #advicepls
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20 Weeks of Wonder: Baby's Debut Dance
My wife recently experienced our baby's first move in her tummy. We're overly excited about it🥹 #firsttimemom In 1 week time, we are going to go for a full detail scan to check whether if our baby is totally fine or is there some precautions we need to be ready. Also, GENRE REVEAL! No matter if he is a boy or she is a girl, I am fine. As long as the baby is healthy☺️ Hope he/she is doing fine in there. #firstmovement
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