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Ditas Aldover Chu, Philippines

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Call for research participants

Good day! I am Dr. Editha Evalyn Chu, an Obstetrics and Gynecology resident from VRP Medical Center. I am conducting a research study on depression and anxiety among pregnant women during the COVID-19 pandemic. I am currently looking for individuals who fit the following criteria: A. pregnant B. 18 years old and above C. currently residing in the Philippines D. Able to comprehend the English language. If you are eligible and interested to participate, kindly click the link below or scan the QR code on the poster to answer the online questionnaire: https://bit.ly/pregnancyresearchph Benefits: There may be no direct benefit to you at this time, but this study may help to determine your mental wellbeing, and if you are having symptoms of depression or anxiety during the COVID-19 pandemic. If you choose to do so, the results of this survey may be available to you and you may be referred to a mental health professional for further evaluation and management. All information collected from this study will be kept with strict confidentiality, and your participation is entirely voluntary. Sharing our questionnaire with anyone who might be willing to participate and meet the criteria above is very much appreciated! If you have any questions or clarifications, kindly send an email to: researchbydrchu@outlook.ph

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Call for research participants
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