Hi there! Its my first time after getting married and being pregnant and i have no one to share with because i'm keeping it a secret from my family and friends, When should i see the obgyn and do i have to go to the polyclinic first or shld i just book an appointment to see an obgyn directly? and when is the best time to go! ive seen online that usually week 8-12 is the best time but i'm unsure atm! anything will help! #bantujawab #firstmom #FirstTime #firsttimemom #pregnancy
Đọc thêmWhich hospital is better? I’m a first time mum to be and am not sure which hospital to opt for. Mount E Novena is more expensive and has only 1 bed option while Thomson is slightly less expensive and has 2 bed options (but I heard it’s commercialised and does not have full facilities in case of emergency you will need to be shifted to KKSH). Any thoughts on this? #firsttimemom
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