Holiday with or without little one?

Would you and your spouse go for a holiday with or without your little one? LO is currently only 8mths old, not one of those “easy babies” and doesn’t like to sit in a pram. Without LO you can probably enjoy a short holiday just managing separation anxiety from LO. With LO, not sure if she can manage the flight, sleep in a new environment, holiday destination to go etc etc...conflicted! Have not had a holiday for coming to 2 years soon (during and post delivery). Help!! Please share when you went for your first holiday post delivery and how did you decide and cope?

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Super Mom

I and hubby went for our first trip with baby when she was 4 months old. We went to Bintan since it's just 1 hour of ferry away. It was really challenging for sure, but we also had a nice relaxing time and really nice photos + memories to keep of the first family trip. Even now I feel very conflicted, I'm not sure if travelling with or without baby is better. There are pros and cons for both. But whichever decision you take I'm sure it will turn out OK and while it was challenging I'm glad my girl got to experience new sceneries and I would really miss her otherwise!

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