2 Các câu trả lời

Means conception happened between 2-3 weeks ago. Kira from your first day of your last period. If you missed your period for first time after last period, consider you are 1 month pregnant (after UPT test tested positive).

jgn ikut di clearblue sis... ikut period awal terakhir sis Dtg sis

kena amik first period last to... dan kena bagi tahu brapa hari period Dtg regular atau tak period sis Dtg... nnti pun nurse akan tnya to... Mcm sy berbulan2 jgk period xregular sbb nk pregnt bulan 4 hari to baru sah Sy pregnant dan baru naik Double Line ... tapi kalau Mcm xthu nnti nurse to akan buat appoiment scan perut untuk detail kandungan to brapa bulan... sy 8/6 ni scan perut sbb period x regular

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