5 Các câu trả lời

take a pic for evidence and go to emergency. bring along ur pink book. let them know ur concerns they will refer u to dr. decribe to the dr abt ur pain and show the pic. it would help them more. if its serious the dr would let u know and do more test on u. if not they will just ask u to go home.

It just happened to me too this evening!! I just go to the dr.. They do the scan and they give me some medication.. Duphaston.

hi nur hannan..sy nk tanya awak..pls reply ya..lps 8 weeks u scan nmpak kantung je..u scan blk ke masa 10 week? nampak baby tak?

oh i can only detect the blood when i wipe my v with tissue.light yellow.hope that is not blood.i dont know

Jumpa doktor. Mungkin jugak keputihan.

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