Am I Wrong

is it wrong if I get upset if my husband is looking at other girls whenever we go out? there was this incidence that he stop to look at one girl wearing provocative dress and I was just beside him. I mean, I felt insulted. I spanked him as we went along and he got mad saying he didn't do anything wrong and I'm so insecure etc etc.. Up to now, I'm not talking to him. Am I wrong? #feelingdepressed

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I think it depends on how you look at it. Human’s nature, we will all look at beautiful things. Back then, I do catch my husband looking at girls, I do get mad and stopped talking. I do check out guys and girls as well(fashion), so I just discuss with him openly or tell him to look, eventually it became something so normal between us so we will talk/laugh about it together (if we find some funny fashions.) For my case, whenever I see someone dressing revealingly, I’ll ask my husband to check it out and he’ll be like “what’s wrong with her, can you stop looking at other people?” You see, the more you get affected, the more it backfires. Maybe if you don’t get bothered about it too much, he’ll probably find no joy in it anymore..?

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3y trước

thank you for your advise. will try not to bother about it too much.. I just don't think he will get 'bored' in doing so.