6 Các câu trả lời

nope.. healthy baby doesnt count on morning sickness.. I never had MS and Alhamdulillah currently 8 months pregnant, my baby and I is just fine. but my friend who had MS untill the end of her pregnancy, she faced extreme HB problem n need injection to rise up her HB. everything is depending on how u take care of urself, and what u eat. nothing to do with MS..

Nope, I rasa not true.. kawan I morning sickness teruk sampai admit hospital masuk air sampai dah 7 bulan, Alhamdulillah anak sihat walafiat..also another of my friend, takde morning sickness lgsg, pun keluar baby sihat walafiat.. both 1 year plus dah umur..

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morning sickness is just a result of how ur body reacts to hormonal changes.nothing to do with the baby.

Not true.. Msa prgnant dulu ada morning sickness, tp x teruk & x brpnjngan.. Alhamdulillah baby lahir sihat..

No such thing..

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