Pumping at work

Hello Working mummies, How often do you pump while at work? If you pump more than once, do you bring extra flanges and bottles? Or do you wash them and use it for round 2? What do you wash it with and how do you sterilize the bottles & pump flanges? Reason I asked if because am heading back to work soon. And not sure how flexible can it be, to be away pumping several times in a day. Appreciate your advices. TIA.

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When I went back to work, I pumped twice in the office and once in the car. I bought a big a Lock n lock container to put all my pump parts and placed them in the fridge when I'm not using as I have no time to wash at all. Hope this helps!

5y trước

When you had to do your second pump at office. Do you reuse the pump parts that you stored in the lock n lock container in d fridge without rinsing/washing? Its ok? I believe you bring two flanges and two bottles?