Working mothers who send your LO to infant care , what is your typical day like ? Before sending LO to infant care And after fetching LO from infant care? I'll be sending my LO to infant care soon and I'm a working mother.. Quite worried about the juggling between work and taking care of my 7 months old and worry about separation anxiety and how I'll cope with baby before and after sending to infant care

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Eventually I switched my kid to a childcare 5 mins drive away from my workplace becoz I find it so stressful to rush to Sengkang / Punggol from CBD to reach her school before 7pm..after switching, I can do abit more work in office, i do not need to worry about so. Late to fetch her, I can have bonding time with my Daughter during the journey to and fro either in taxi or train.. and she can also see me earlier since it's so near my work place instead of always reaching nearing 7pm and always the last few kid to be fetched 😊..

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4y trước

I’m planning to do that as well. As it’s really stressful to rush back home from cbd area. But can I ask how do u feed your LO as it might be quite late when you reach home for dinner. I was thinking to pre pack food so that I can feed my LO after I pick him from infant care