7 Replies

I don't suggest looking at the calendar but readily in the child's development in accepting soild. When a child has developmentally ready for solids include: 1. Baby can sit up well without support. 2. Baby has lost the tongue-thrust reflex and does not automatically push solids out of his mouth with his tongue. (This is most important as it indicate that the child's digestive system is mature enough to accept food other than milk to reduce allergic reaction.) 3. Baby is ready and willing to chew. 4. Baby is developing a “pincer” grasp, where he picks up food or other objects between thumb and forefinger. Using the fingers and scraping the food into the palm of the hand (palmar grasp) does not substitute for pincer grasp development. I start my girl on self feed only when she is 8 months and do see a significant reduce is food allgeric reaction as compare to her elder sis who started at 6 months (we even adjust her month based on EDD instead of actually birthday.) :-)

Just to add that whilst I am monitoring when she can sit upright unsupported before slowly introducing her with the pureed veggies n fruits following the 3day rule, I have an over -zealous mil who kept saying she wants to cook porridge w meat n fish for my baby!

I started my boy early at 5.5 months Caz almost everyone was doing it in my march babies chat group. He was also not drinking much at that time so I intro solids. He can't really sit v well but with some support. I put the rocker upright at first until I bought a high chair w a browse base and back rest and had shoulder straps for the sit belt to help me hold him back as he is always leaning to the food in the rocker. So far it's ok. We only give purée for 4months baby bought from store and now purée ourselves. Both husband and my family don't have any known allergies. 6 months is a good time to start spoon feeding. Any significant earlier or later, research shows an increase in allergies and food rejection

thanks Jacinthia! when was your LO born? my girl is 5mths and 3wks old. Am in fact monitoring when she can sit up steadily unsupported before i introduce her solids like what the mummy above shared.

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Your doctor is right. My son only started on his self-feeding journey at 6MO.

It is advisable to only start weaning from 6 months onwards.

You should start only when your LO is able to sit upright

I put my dau on my lap

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