Hi. I'm pregnant with #2. also week 10. the nausea feeling doesn't go away completely with diclectin but it definitely help as compared to doing without. for my #1, I had morning sickness until week 20. hang in there!
my gynae mentioned 8 to 11 weeks have the worst morning sickness. I'm at 8weeks now, also feel sick all the time. was prescribed diclectin which worked for me and can eat properly
My MS started at week8. Currently i am at week12. Finally it gets better but some food will trigger it. I heard my friend she vomit from the start until the end of the pregnancy.
My gynae prescribed me Diclectin. Maybe you can try that? Worked for me. I def feel abit better now. Stopped vomiting. I’m 9 weeks
it really depends on individual. some dont get ms at all i have friend that ms all the way till she deliver 🥲
I’m on week 12 now, my nausea is much better. Still there, but better. Hang in there, momma!
hi, im in the same boat as you and cannot wait for it to go away too. 🙂