Wonder if any of the mothers had the same experience as me? I left my job to take care of my son full time since he was born 9 mths ago. I am more than willing despite being a pretty demanding role as a mother. Lack of slp... cranky child...making lots of noises or even crying etc etc..feeling helpless,not knowing what the LO want. Not forgetting when our patience r put to test almost every single day. It's fine. We as mother will b btr as days goes as we learn...and gain more experience in handling them but...I got a problem here that breaks my heart and I wonder everyday if it's abt me. I thought by right when u r the one taking care spending all the time wit him...u shd b his closest right? I mean...he would look for u..stick to u..knowing u r his MOTHER. No,my son didn't behave so. I'm currently staying at mum's pl and he always look for my mum (grandma) more than me. He is always excited when she comes hm. She can calm him down cos he listen to her rather than me. In short,she's like his mother more than me. I'm not jealous but over the time..I do feel hurt tht I'm not the one that's able to settle him down when I'm the mum.Been telling my husband our son dun seem to like me.Feel so useless...:( Anyone had the same experience?

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