just curious...

My wife suffers minimum to no nausea or morning sickness up till now which is her 10th week. is this very normal or not? she'll be 40 next month and this is our first baby tgt?

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Thành viên VIP

That’s normal. Pregnancy is different for each person. I didn’t suffer for any morning sickness in my first trimester. Don’t over analyse your pregnancy symptoms. Just eat well, rest a lot and try to do some light activities like slow strolls in the park. Also don’t forget to speak to your bump daily. The little one can hear every word you’re saying ;)

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7y trước

thanks for the kind and valuable tips. I'll let my wife know too 🤗

It's quite normal. Even though it's called morning sickness, it can last through the day for some. And for others, it even lasts through the whole pregnancy! Hopefully your wife's nausea will be over in two weeks! And congratulations!!

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Thành viên VIP

It’s normal! No morning sickness is better isn’t it? 😂 Since it’s you and your wife’s first baby, i’d suggest attending pregnancy seminars and classes together! Really benefits a lot ◡̈

It’s normal. My Wife is into her 14th week and no morning sickness. It’s a blessing!

Thành viên VIP

thats normal. For both my pregnancy i got no mornimg sickness ans nausea ..

7y trước

oh seriously... ur so lucky!! 😄

You should ask your wife to join too 😊

7y trước

she's with me haha thanks 😉