21 Replies

37 weeks are considered full term. The reason people nowadays wants to wait til 39 is because recent studies showed that brain is still developing until 39weeks. Does not mean 37 is not a safe age to give birth to. If the baby is ready to be born the best thing is to have it delivered, rather than delaying it and causing problems.

37 weeks is counted as full term already dear daddy to be :) Just Do Stay By Your Wife's side during labour and soothe and encourage her along the way during pain Wishing her a safe and smooth delivery❤

My baby at week 37! Thanks all Mummy for the support and advise!

Congrats on the arrival of your bundle of joy! 💪🏼🥳🎉

VIP Member

Hi. My baby was born around 7 weeks ago at 37 weeks and 2 days too. She is doing so well now!

VIP Member

It’s safe..37 weeks is full term..I delivered my baby at 37 weeks and she is active and good condition..Don’t worry 😊 please always beside your wife 🙂

VIP Member

It’s fine..It has already full term..I delivered my baby at 37 weeks..hope your wife’s labour is going smooth..

37 weeks is already full term so don't need to worry. All the best and congratulations in advance!

37 weeks consider full term unless baby is 2.3kg and below then may ask to stay in icubator afew days

36 weeks is 9 months . So 37 weeks is already safe & full term :)

VIP Member

my born at 35.5weeks now going 11months

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