3 Các câu trả lời

I think you should wait 'til your newborn gets a bit older just to be super safe. I suggest you let your baby sleep in a crib in your room. It will be easier for you and your wife, too, since it's certain you'll have to get up to soothe and feed your baby for the first couple of weeks.

I think you should first wait til the newborn's older. Or, what you can do is to sleep together with your baby so as to assure that your baby is safe. I think it'll be hard for your toddler if ever your baby cries in the middle of the night.

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in my experience, its ok for them to sleep together. as in magkatabi. we just put the newborn in a "mat" to set boundaries. they tend to be synchronized naman when they sleep. sometimes ung paa pa nga ng maliit ang nasa mukha ng ate.

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