First trimester dating scan

My wife is already in the 6th week of her first trimester. We went to the polyclinic to get a referral letter for a follow up at NUH with a obstetrics and gynae doctor there. Called NUH and they said that the earliest date available is on the 12th/13th week. Is the wait to see a doctor at NUH so long for subsidized patients? Doesn’t seem right that the wait for a follow up and a crucial first trimester dating scan is so long. Any advise? Thank you :)

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sgh is pretty fast! i suspected preg early, so went to poly to get referral. and manage to fix a slot the week after!

Thành viên VIP

I think 12 to 13 weeks is fine. My first appointment at NUH for the down syndrome test is at 13th weeks.

Thành viên VIP

It does sound pretty long, maybe you can check with kkh to see if if they have an earlier slot?

5y trước

KKH is not a good choice for pregnant woman now. They are so messy. If you are at your early pregnancy try not to go there. I had a miscarriage last year due to their mishandling. And they don admit.

Please go for a scan at another hospital. Stay well.

Thành viên VIP

u can go other hospital or clinic for scan

Super Mom

Private is better.

Thành viên VIP

Seem a little long

Super Mom

Try private