My wife is 4 month pregnant. She is having pain in lower abdomen. We consulted one gynac,and after sonography doctor said that her cervical distance is 2.9 cm & she have to take stiches so that baby does not come down. Then we consulted other gynac, where doctor said there no need to take stiches so early in 4th month. She is having pain day and night. Please suggest me what should i do ??

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Hi, I think you consult a good doctor in a reputed hospital, you, yourself also can do research on the Internet about the topic, just to have a little know-how. You can seek online consultation from the doctors. The problem is such that no one can help you online like this, especially if someone is not a professional in the field. I suggest please take her reports and go to a good reputed doctor.

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i hv not heard such thing..n its 4th mnth..cnsult more gynaec