HELP! Mummy is shagged

Why my 5 months old baby is active in the middle of the night? He will wake up every an hour for milk or wants to talk/ play. He had nap for an hour in daytime. What can I do?

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Sleep train your LO. My baby is the same age as yours. He naps twice in the day but wakes up often in between the naps. The rest is play time. I let him tire himself. He baths twice a day, evening around 6-6.30pm. Put minyak telon on him and massage his entire body. Then I'll feed him fm (normally he'll be sleepy after that) or he will latch to sleep. He's a mix feed baby. If he wakes up at night, feed him milk, change his diaper and put him back to bed. Do not talk or smile at your LO. If it does not work, try dimmer lights or better switch it off.

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4y trước

No problem! If all goes well, your LO will probably sleep through the night or maybe just wake up once or twice for a feed.

Super Mom

Time to sleep train your LO, dear:) if he wakes up because he’s hungry, that’s ok. But if it’s for playing, that’s not okay. If you’ve fed and changed him, and it’s not time for the next feed (about 3hrs at least), leave him alone. Let him self soothe

You feed him and put him to bed, usually they need to be fed every 2 hrs. Dont play with him at night just leave him by himself. In the afternoon dont let him nap too long. 1 hr nap than let him play.

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try to sleep at the same time and feed more before sleep at night