Hey Freny, it's a little late for summer camps in Mumbai now, but if your kid is interested, you can still check out the following camps and workshops: 1. Lands of Egypt Workshop at Fun Science Club on 31-Jul-2016 . 02249668366. shonalirathi@yahoo.com Ghamat Lodge, 2nd Floor. Dr.Ambedkar Road. Above Kotak Mahindra Bank.DadarTT 400014 Venue: Fun Science Club 2. Monsoon at Millk Art and Craft. 09-Jul-2016 to 31-Jul-2016. 22-24954455. www.facebook.com/millk.co.in. Gate No.4.Kamala Mills Compound.Lower Parel.Mumbai-13 Venue: Millk 3. Rael Padamsee’s Ace Speech and Drama Certificate Course Breach Candy . 23-Jul-2016 to 03-Aug-2016 . 22-22842845. www.facebook.com/RaellPadamseesACE. Building No.72.Hormuz Mansion.Bhulabhai Desai Road.Near Cymroza Art Gallery, Breach Candy, Cumballa Hill, Mumbai-400026 Venue: Mini Land School
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