when to stop burping

hi all! at which months do u guys officially stop burping ur babies ;)? #advicepls #firstbaby

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Did ask my pd before... he advice after 6 months (or when baby can sit upright). Because baby still young, can’t sit up hence we need to burp him to prevent milk back flow (& puke).. once they can sit, just ensure they don’t lie down straight after milk will do. Sit around for at least 15 mins..

Influencer của TAP

Around 3-4 months when baby can roll over. After formula feed I ensure the baby burps either by herself or I help her. Because sometimes they cry in the middle of sleep just because they didn't burp and when we carry them and pat on the back they will burp and continue sleeping

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I stop burp my baby when she was 3 months ++

around 6 months when he can burp himself

Influencer của TAP

I stop around 4 month plus

after 6 mths onwards

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After 4 mths i think

After 6 months

3 mths onwards

6 months