When were you brave enough to take public with your baby alone

At which month were you brave enough to go out with your baby alone by public transport , without any 3rd person? Ill be going back and forth to my mum’s (both same estate) everyday and would need to take bus. But my baby is only 1.5months and i still carry him by hand as he hate carrier. Instead of taxi everyday (💸💸), i feel like want to try to take bus one day see how it goes but im so scared my baby would cry murder outside or worst, in the bus, and i wont know what to do.

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3 months onwards and using baby carrier. im not confident enough to use stroller or hand-carry 🥲 maybe you can try taking bus for few bus stops and see if your baby will cry or not. it takes awhile for them to adjust to new environment! and better if you can try go for a walk around your neighbourhood and put your baby in baby carrier, let your baby get use to it so it will be easier for you travel alone. can try konnybaby carrier! i used that when my baby just 5 days old till 3 months. hehe goodluck mama!

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