I'm in this industry for 13 years and I can assure you 3 year olds are not expected to read a book 😅 they can show interest in the pictures or story, but they are not expected to read and identify the words at that age. It's more of identifying the letters of the alphabet and if possible, letter sounds too.
Maybe you can discuss with the school or teacher and ask if there are any other concerns with regards to his learning, or why did they choose to observe his reading at the age of 3. Maybe they could share more?
And not being able to read does not directly corelate to having autism/adhd, so don't worry about it yet! I hope you can have a conversation with the school with regards to this and get a proper explanation from them, because to my knowledge, not reading at 3 does not mean that he needs to go for EI. If he cannot identify letters yet, maybe you can enrol him in those I Can Read classes to start him early. But not EI. The school is not even supposed to suggest that, not unless they've observed other behaviours that they've not shared with you yet. So best to speak to them and find out more!