i think u have to understand the differences for csec and normal delivery and see wat is most suitable for u. i went thru natural birth via induction before and it was horrible. epidural is highly recommended! otherwise the contraction will torture u, cant do anything or rest at all. i was like a zombie before i get epidural. and u can only get it when 3/4 cm dilated. so imagine the contractions before that u have to bear with it. yes there is laughing gas, but u have to keep holding it and breathe hard enuf to feel the effect. dont worry abt the after effect of epidural. i only vomit aft the effect kicked in. not much issue after delivery. really depends on individual. so for my current pregnancy, im gg for csec as i didn't want to go thru 30+ hrs of labour again. 😭 and the pain and recovery journey for csec is actually not that scary. i have many friends went thru csec and is doing well.