Which one is better for 7 months old baby to wear for swimming pool? Charlie banana swim diaper or Swim suit for baby?

A thermal swim wear and a swim diaper for young babies. Baby catches cold quite easily especially if the pool is not a heated pool. Thus, a thermal swim wear is a good investment.
yes wear both. my 7mth old wear a swim diaper n a thermal swimsuit when swimming. swim diaper is to catch poop n thermal swimwear is to help reduce cold
Thanks fyi.. I will take note
We use iPlay's swim diaper which also has UV protection, and pack a spare disposable swim diaper just in case.
Thanks mummy fyi.. Will look at iplay swim diaper
We just use the swim diaper - but we go to the pool in the afternoon so the water is warm
Can.. Thanks fyi.. Will go before evening time
Swim diaper and perhaps a good swimsuit with UV protection over it.
Oh ok can.. Thanks mummy
We are using a thermal swim wear and disposable swim diapers
Thanks mummy.. Noted
We are using Huggies little swimmers disposable swim diaper
Can.. Will go search Huggies disposable n see how.. Thanks fyi
Thermal suit as still young must keep them warm
Noted.. Thanks mummy
This is babies new swimsuit :)

krishna pariyar
Queen of 1 curious junior