At which age did u start giving ur child fried food?

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mine had French fry after he turn 1. I believe in letting the kids try everything cause forbidden fruit is the sweetest, but moderation is key to balance.

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about 8 months. Just taste a little bit.. we let him eat everything but in moderation 😀 testing testing only haha

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25mo and nothing fried yet, but he loves Saba Fish with Rice (those hotpan ones) since 16mo :/

13 Mths, but not much. If I give Mcd nuggets, I will removed the skin though

1yo. only a small bite. The first fried food was Mcdonalds Nugget!

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7mo 🙈🙊 Just a small pinch

Around 10 month old

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3 years and above

Around 18 months

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Three years old