baby items
Hi.. where do u usually shop for baby's items? At which month did u start buying to prepare for the arrival of your baby?
I usually look for items secondhand first, because a lot of things don't need to be brand new. Started preparing once 2nd trimester starts, was all ready by 30 weeks pregnant :) I'll say to get the necessities first, things that you don't know whether you need/have short expiry can wait!
buy it after the baby is born, old people say. i just buy a few tops, 1 set of newborn pampers. The rest i ask my husband to go shopping himself at Kiddy Palace and Mothercare. If we mummies go there, cfm can go crazy all want to buy. :)
Hi... depends on the items. I started baby shopping at 4/5 months. Some items I will buy online at Qoo10, Tao Bao and others I buy from departmental stores such as taka, tangs, metro and Robinson.
baby fair ! online and offline retail store like Mothercare. don't buy too much, after all have to try and test to see which items best suit your lo
Baby fair and online... Lazada, amazon, pupsik, taobao. Started when I know my baby's gender.. 4th month.
I hv started on my trimester .. n usually I buy online carters clothes are really good for newbies
I get from Mothercare or online to buy my stuffs . I prepare when I am in my 6th months
I go to babyfairs and check out some items. I starter preparing 6mths onwards.
Kiddy palace? I like to do all shopping at Mummy fair
Mothercare, taka or babyfairs. Around 20 weeks.