Where do u normally get those 3D cakes that taste nice? Those fondant cakes normally r either too sweet or too hard to cut. Preferred those fresh cream, yet they dun look as nice. Please recommend! Thanks!

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Maybe you can consider those cakes with 3D flowers that are piped on with fresh butter cream or royal icing instead? They have the same intricate effect that a normal fondant cake would but will definitely taste much better. You can try Chomel's cakes which are works of art! She has the prettiest piping of ombre coloured flowers ever. Her cakes in general tastes awesome as well. You can check her cakes out on instagram via the handle @bakechombake Email: [email protected] Tel: 9295 7603 Pic credit: @bakechombake

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Agreed with you! Those 3D is definitely very attractive, especially for kids. But its really hard to cut and the decoration was too sweet. It really looks good...for photo taking, but who really wanna eat it?

I got mine from either bengawan solo or pine gardens. They are reasonably priced. Agreed that the fondant cakes are too sweet and don taste nice, only good to look at.

My princess birthday cake. It's 3D and its agar agar !! Not sweet. It's jus nice for everyone.

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If you r interested :)

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