15 Replies

flew to KL during my 3rd month of maternity leave. i latch baby during take off and latch again when plane about to land. this helps with the ear pressure and baby wont be fussy. i took front row seats for more leg space and in case baby cries, easier to get up and roam around. while in KL, just feed baby before going out then baby will be pretty much settled. i find while breastfeeding easier to travel. just bring nursing cover haha no need pack bottles and such.

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Went for 5d4n trip with my 3 month old, hubs and 2 friends to bkk.. I would advise you to take it slow, no hectic or full day itinerary.. flight was easy, just nurse the baby throughout.. plan your day around your baby..

Went to the uk when my baby was 6 weeks. Just make sure you’re full breastfeeding because bottle handling will be too troublesome!

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Hahhahaha noooo.. sooo tired.. any free opportunity i just want to catch up on my sleep..

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Nope. Rest at home as bb need time to adjust to the environment

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Maybe when the baby is older towards 3rd month onwards...

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Yes, preferably land travel not more that 3/4 hours.

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Noped. Dead tired. Dun feel like going anywhere.

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I didn’t as there is a lot of things to do.

Sub 3 hour flight still reasonable.

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