
When do you think is the best to finally have kids? I just got married for a year, we already discussed to hold first before getting a kid. But my parents and even in laws keep asking. I’m not ready though.

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I'd agree with Kris and Jasmine, don't let people's opinions get to you because ... everyone is always going to have opinions. When you'll find a boyfriend, when you'd get a job, when you'd get married, when you'd have your baby, when is your baby gonna have a sibling ... the list goes on. I'd strongly recommend that you talk things out with your husband and plan it out (roughly). If having kids isn't on your list until you're financially and mentally ready, then be sure to take precautions - it's not just for couples before marriage! If your family is still pressuring you, then explain to them nicely that you want to be ready financially and not have a sudden situation where you're struggling with family budgeting. If they still don't understand, it's okay because it's your body, your marriage and your kids :) Don't ever rush into anything because someone else wants you to, you might end up feeling bad about everything because it wasn't something you wanted - and when it comes to having a child, it's a feeling you wouldn't want to deal with.

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