Stretch mark. How to manage??

When to start protecting and what do you use? #pleasehelp #advicepls #pregnancy

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I started using bio oil from first trimester onwards only. I used to reapply it several times. Do not scratch or scratch using a cloth. I did not get any stretch marks though it could possibly be because I did not gain much weight during pregnancy and my tummy was also not very big. Nothing can guarantee that you won’t get stretch marks but keeping your tummy moisturised and not scratching could help.

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i started quite early. used it everyday after shower but sigh. went for csect, scratched like mad and that caused stretch marks without me realising 😭

3y trước

my mum taught be a trick. to scratch using a comb. i used hair brush and it works like magic hahaha but of course scratch it gently . abit ridiculous actually haha

I didnt use frequenty but im using clarins one. On off i just use it 😂

everyday after shower put bio oil cream . it ligthen my stretch mark

Started using bio oil almost every night when I hit my second tri!

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apply stretch mark cream from third trimester