5 Replies

For me,once my child starts talking in sentences and able to give description about things (in this matter, about our bodies) then i stop co-bathing. I don't mind doing it with them when they were babies coz bath times can also be playtime. :) And my husband bathes our kids (girls n boys) more than i do. We both let them bathe themselves around 6 y/o.

My kids 6yrs and 19mths still showers together with me. Though my elder does everything by herself. Dad stopped showering her when she turns 5. But we still occasionally shower together as a family. We never felt uncomfortable and she knows who are her trusted people.

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I think it is ok as parents or the care taker but need to teach them slowly by protecting themselves. well not just girls but even boys. need to talk to them more really much about educating

I did co bathing when situation needed only. Normally will let my lo bath on their own and I will supervise. In my opinion, no gender differentiation.