Sick child to school

When do you not send a sick child to school? Where do you draw the line? Cold and cough? Sore eyes?

Sick child to school
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As long fever, sore eyes, or coughing with phlegm I will keep at home. Normal flu cough still send to school. Its so common that they get it almost every few weeks, where got enough leave to take to keep at home? Not everyone is blessed with helpers, caregivers etc to take the kids while we work. Not everyone is blessed with good bosses who are ok for you to take leave every few weeks just because you cannot send kids to school due to flu cough.

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Loaded question. I think if it’s cold, cough there is no choice. These are common enough and so you should send your kid to school. If it’s something that is contagious and could be dangerous like HFMD, please keep your kid at home.

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I won’t send my child to school if he’s not feeling well be it fever, flu, cough or sore eyes. He needs to rest to recover

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As long as it’s fever, diarrhea, cold or cough etc, I will let lo rest at home until recovery.

I won't send them to school if sick. It's better they rest

I wouldn't send if he has any symptoms flu

Don’t send him at all when he’s sick.

i wont sent even its normal cough.

In view of covid. Everything lol

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