Is iron pills compulsory?

When do we need to takes iron pills? As I’m with NUH private route,I have yet to see the gynae. Appointment is schedule on June. I’m currently eating Dhaxtra softgel, prenavit tablet and calcium lactate prescribed from the private clinic as I have weak appetite which I see the gynae in week 7-14

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The obimin already has iron, but iron supplements are almost always required as it is near impossible to obtain the required iron from diet sources alone. (a chicken fillet is only 1mg of iron, imagine the amount you'd need). I started iron only In the third trimester as that is when baby needs this the most. Not rec to start too early as it may cause constipation

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4y trước

Omg, I’m already facing constipation now. Thank you for sharing!!😊😊

Super Mom

Your prenavit already has iron (ferrous sulphate) :)

4y trước

Oh!! Thank you 🙏🏻 🙏🏻