17 Replies

VIP Member

You usually have to go online and request for the samples, some of them don't send by membership/sign-ups (those are just collected for marketing purposes) - but others will be sent AFTER your child turns 6 months old. Usually takes 2-6 weeks for them to process after that!

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Hi! You can try waiting till your baby is past her 6 months or simply contact the company for clarifications. My friend signed up with Abbot and received the samples when her baby was 6 months and 1 year old.

Have you tried contacting them? A friend of mine signed up as well as and she didn't get any samples after the first round. They promptly sent her the samples after she called to enquire.

Frankly I lost track. The sample milk.companies are so difficult to track. the easiest is still aptamil, present.voucher and collect.

VIP Member

If u want to intro FM to them, you can sending them a message via facebook, they will reply and attend to your needs very fast.

u can call to request sample to check with them. maybe their system when ur bb reach exactly 6 month then send out

Post six months - their are guidelines stating they cannot promote formula use to babies under 6 months of age.

I didn't receive mine either. I'm supposed to receive a sample when baby turns a year old.

mummy, u can call them and check again. sometimes they might miss out.

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