9 Replies

You can start introducing eggs to a baby after he/she is six months old. As a start, just offer one or two spoons of fully cooked egg. Watch out for any allergic reactions, which include: - swelling - hives - itchy, watery eyes - itchy or runny nose When my friend started giving her daughter egg, it was when her daughter was seven months old. She gave her baby a small bite of the omelet that she was eating. The next day, she shared a little bit of her hard boiled egg with her daughter. Her baby clearly enjoyed it and wanted more. She was very glad that her baby did not display any allergic reactions because egg is a very nutritious food and is something that is very easy to prepare. Some people recommended introducing egg yolk first before proceeding on to egg white. My friend did not follow that as she only gave a small bite. However, you can try that, simply start with the yolk of the hard boil egg will be fine. :)

VIP Member

Usually if both family side got not much history of food allergies, can trial run of yolk 1st than white. I have friend start as early as 5-6 months and baby is fine with it. I cook the whole egg without separating them. And my LO is ok. So basically it's trial and error, do standby zytrec, if have allergies can feed straight away.

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VIP Member

Eggs whites are one of the big allergy-triggering foods, so you should avoid introducing them to your baby until 12 months, though you can try egg yolks at around 9 months.

According to my PD, we can intro eggs & egg yolks (in moderation) at 8 months old. Will be trying hard boiled eggs on my 8 months old soon!

I would suggest to not introduce eggs to your child till he/she is atleast 8 months old to prevent inducing any sort of allergies.

Super Mum

PD told me can intro egg yolk at 8 months old. Egg white must wait till 1year old. Must be fully cook hard boiled egg.

One yo


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