When I'm out in public, whether I'm grocery shopping or waiting in line at the post office, people ask personal questions about my pregnancy and sometimes even put their hand on my belly. How can I tell them to mind their business without being rude?

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maybe put a cart/basket/bag in front of your belly >< i wish you a healthy and happy baby :)

Asking about baby is okay,but touch my belly is a big NO..i don't feel comfortable strangers rub my belly😑

just say excuse me I'm not being rude but please can you not touch my stomach

Tell them it’s Covid. No touching allowed😁

perut sya dah nmpak besar baby d dalam kuat bergerak..😊😊

Tell them you are uncomfortable with their action

Perut saya besar tak nampak mcm 5 bln,adakah normal ??

4y trước

Biasa tu normal. Saya dulu masuk 7 bulan baru membesar. First pregnancy memang mcm tu. Ada sesetengah saja yg perut membsar walau baru 3/4 bulan. Jgn risau. Ada kawan saya perut kecil tetapi baby lebih besar daripda yg perut besar. Dan dlm keadaan tertentu bayi yang berat bawah 3 kg semasa lahir akan lebih cepat tambah berat badan pada usia sebulan berbanding bayi yg lahir dah besar n berat. Yg penting sihat. ☺️


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