Tummy time
When is a good time to do tummy time with baby? I will always forget to do it when busy with other stuff and then the day is over!

I did before morning bath. Just flip over for awhile until crank than bring to shower. After shower finish clothing I flip again and until she crank again. Any point of the time of the day when she's on your bed and just flip. Don't have to be too long though. 1 or 2 min is good also
I did it after baby woke up and just before feeding. Put her on my chest for a little while. Later on when the awake interval increased, then I put her on firm mattresses/the playmat
You can do it when baby is happy and awake. Definitely not after drinking milk though. One suggestion is to do it whenever you change diaper.
Maybe early in the morning when baby wakes? Or before bath time and it’ll be great to give a nice, refreshing bath after all that exercise.
My routine: feed - diaper change - practice tummy time. Wait 10-15 mins after feed so baby won't spit up
Can do it when baby juz woken up. That is the time when baby is more awake.
After showering when changing. When baby just wake up also can do
I do it every morning after shower! So I’ll always remember
we'll usually do it after shower time!