20 Replies

This is a very individual question, which both partners should ask each other to make a plan together. My wife and I started discussing having a second child around the time our son became 1 year old. By that time, we had adapted to our new life situation and our life had found its balance more or less again. Hence, the question came about whether we want to go through all of this again, while having a child that is approaching his terrible twos. It took us a few months to discuss and to think about the pros and cons. We decided eventually to have a second one rather now than later, so that our children wouldn't have much of an age gap.

I think it very much depends on when you and your husband is ready to have another one. Also, give your body ample time to recover from the first pregnancy. It is recommended that a woman have at least 18 months of rest before the next pregnancy. That being said, I have a colleague who conceived shortly after her first birth and had no problem with her second pregnancy. My mother had planned to have a gap of two to three years between my elder brother and sister. She thought the two to three years difference will be just nice such that the elder child would be old enough to help care for the second child.

I think 2 years is the minimum, but it also depends on your age and how many kids you and your husband want to have. My sister had her first when she was already 31 and they want 3 in total so they really just let her body rest for a year or 2 then work on having the next child. I had my first when I was 28 and we want 3 as well so we have a bit more leeway between kids before I hit mature pregnancy age.

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It's all very much controversial. I have a sibling less then a year younger than me. So I was raised in a close age environment. Me and my husband are gonna wait 1-2 years

This is a question that you and your hubby should discuss . because no one knows about your situation better than yourself.
