When do you think that it is appropriate for a child to start reading the news? My son is turning 8 and is very keen on knowing what's happening around the world but I am afraid I may be risking him knowing too much at an early age - sex, violence, crimes, murder - isnt that too much gore for a child?

I think reading or listening to the news is good for your child, especially if he is showing interest in current affairs. Still, keep in mind your child’s level of maturity. Discuss and follow the news with your child so that you can find out what he knows about the current events that are taking place. From there, you can direct the discussion and reassure that he is safe from the violence happening in other parts of the world. If your child is someone who is more sensitive, limit watching news on television as the graphics and images usually have more impact that when being read or heard. Watch out for signs that your child may be affected. For example, children may start having nightmare or acting out aggressive behaviors. Talk to your child and address any concerns or fears he may have should that happen. Here is a useful article on this topic: http://www.pbs.org/parents/talkingwithkids/news/agebyage_3.html
Read moreIf the child is curious about the news and want to find out more about current affairs, I don't see why not. I get that there is a desire to protect their innocent mind and rose-tinted glasses but they will be exposed to these things sooner than later, what with social media and what not. We'll end up short-changing them of knowledge and information. I rather they learn from legitimate sources of media like newspapers and news broadcasts rather than a dodgy website or through a random rant on someone's social media.
Read moreIt's never to early to start reading news to a child. My daughter is 7 years and is pretty much aware about Gaza and the US Presidential elections (explained it to her as voting for class monitor lol). Depending on how mature your child is, you can always twerk the words a little e.g. rape, a guy hurting a girl. You don't have to be explicit. This way they'll have a better sense of the real world instead of just the play pretend that they're so use to at home.
Read moreMy girl is 6 years old and watch tv news and newspaper with me. For me, I think under adult supervision is fine. As you can explain what is the situation and what is happening etc. directly to him/her. I always take this chance to educate my girl to be careful e.g. crossing road, strangers, handling stress and emotions and etc. We can't shield our children from everything in real world, thus when expose to negative news, we have to be more proactive in explaining.
Read moreIt is important for children to have an idea of what is happening in the world. Shielding our children and inhibiting their inquisitiveness will only make them become like frogs in a well. If there are such murder and violence cases reported in the news, you can then use the chance to explain to him about why some people do that. Everything is a learning opportunity. Besides, gory scenes in the news are censored or not shown.
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Kids need the nonfiction experience. Children need to become familiar with a variety of genres, so newspaper reading will add to their reading repertoire and mix things up a bit.
Perhaps try limiting his news to politics, and non-gory topics? History? Or even parental-blocking inappropriate topics would be best :-)
Kids need the exposure and it’s great he is interested at such a young age! Agreed on limiting the exposure first to selected topics
You can curate what they read. There are some magazines geared for kids that do a good job with age appropriate articles.