
When did your stretch mark starts to appear ? And how little/bad is it ? Ive been applying bio oil and palmer’s since 1st trim in hoping i wont get. And it was all clear until now, 34++ weeks suddenly i see some dark stretchmark on my left lower belly 🥲🥲🥲 i believe what caused it was also from the itchy hands scratching tummy. Cause i dont believe scratching tummy eill cause stretch mark. And now its there. Will it gets worst as pregnancy progress? Heard that it’s genetic but will it fade after birth if i continue using the oil and cream ? #FTM

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Stretch marks depend on genetic I would say. I read about it too some mummies had stretch marks quite on the early stage. While some didn't had it throughout pregnancy (lucky you, with nice bump). So far I had it, were those lines visible? Yes. Did it disappear afterwards? Not much.

Sadly it’s genetics and individual body. I thought I won’t have stretched marks too. But week 34 onwards it start to appear and looks damn scary now. 😩