37 Replies

If you ask me about Vitagen VS Yakult, I'd definitely say Vitagen as it claims to be made with real fruit juice, whereas Yakult uses flavourings. # Yakult vs Vitagen

If you wish to introduce probiotic drinks like Yakult or Vitagen to your child, I would suggest introducing small amounts in moderation. # Yakult vs Vitagen

If you wish to introduce probiotic drinks like Yakult or Vitagen to your child, I would suggest introducing small amounts in moderation. # Yakult vs Vitagen

its much better to give Scott's' emulsion. it has more nutrition value and its way cheaper than getting 6 small bottles of vitagen . # Yakult vs Vitagen

I wouldn't give yakult. It's way too much sugar. Go with proper probiotics. Or good quality Greek yogurt. My kids are 2 &4 # Yakult vs Vitagen

Any recommendation for brand of Greek yogurt?

just limit intake to 1 a day or less depending on how much your toddler actually takes. moderation is best! # Yakult vs Vitagen

1 year onward is okay. just make sure to limit to one bottle a day # Yakult vs Vitagen

Better consult you pedia first before giving yakult to your baby. # Yakult vs Vitagen

16+4แม่ๆรู้เพศลูกหรือยัง # Yakult vs Vitagen

probiotics can be good for toddlers but there are better sources # Yakult vs Vitagen

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