What's your funniest parent moment?

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My baby was about 4 days old when my ex-husband took over to take over baby duty because I needed to go to the toilet. Suddenly I heard my husband yelled NOOOO.. and I ran out wondering why. Turned out that he was changing my son's diaper and while changing, my son had directly "aim" in his mouth

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Super Mom

Well, my daughter is 13 months old and she is so funny. I will tell you one of her funny thing. She tries lipstick on her lips but unfortunately it's all over her face. She tries to copy it from her mom. Her face is damn cute after applying lipstick. hahaha.

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I need to bring 2 kids to toilet to make my "business" as both of them cranky and crying when I was very urgently need to go toilet.


When one cries, the other automatically cries



Interesting haha
