6 Replies

In general, the baby’s face and diaper area are the two most important areas to clean. The rest of his/her body hardly gets dirty. When your baby starts crawling, his/her hands and legs will need to be wiped more frequently to help keep the baby clean. Here are some tips on the basics of cleaning a newborn: - Eyes: use cotton swabs dipped (but squeeze dry) in warm water to clean any of the sticky white/yellowish liquid at the corner of the baby’s eyes. Clean by gently moving the swab across the upper eyelid from inside out. Repeat for the lower eyelid. - Noses: use pediatric nasal drops (if required) to clear out any blocked nose - Ears: wiping the outer ear with a wet cloth after a bath is sufficient - Mouth: simply wipe the insides of a baby’s mouth with a soft wet cloth - Face: again, a simple wipe with a wet cotton cloth will be sufficient - Genitals: be gentle with a baby’s private area. For girls, clean from front to back to reduce the chances of infection. For boys, be careful not to push the foreskin higher up. After cleaning with wipes, also clean the area with lukewarm water Keeping the baby’s clothes clean will naturally help keep your baby clean. Change their clothes once it is dirtied by their secretions, excretions or during feedings.

For me, when my son was a newborn, I would bath him at about 9/930 am in the morning and use lotion all over him once he's dried up. I used talc powder on his creases, and in the evening I give him a wipe down with warm boiled water before massaging him with baby oil. I used wet wipes (brand: Organic Story) irregardless if it's a poop or pee and will let him go butt naked for a few minutes before applying diaper rash cream (brand: Mustela). And during feedings, I have a cloth under his chin so that it wouldn't get in between the creases in the neck.

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Newborn are naturally clean and they do not sweat much. Important keep the face, the diaper area and hands clean. If baby is chubby, the skin fold do wipe it dry too.

Face, hands and diaper area is enough. Newborns are naturally clean and do not need to bath everyday.
