5 Replies

I would prefer a baby monitor that has both sound and video functions like the Samsung SEW-3036W BabyVIEW Baby Monitoring System IR Night Vision Zoom. Its video monitor has high-resolution 3.5” screens with other features like temperature detection, two-way communication, and night vision. A key feature is its long-range transmission of up to 800ft. A reviewer said, “This helped us know if he would silently wake up and walk around in the room. It is very sensitive and has a sleep function so it only lights up when there is noise in the room, and I am able to connect 4 cameras to one monitor.” This Samsung baby monitor retails at about 119USD on Amazon.com http://sg.theasianparent.com/5-best-baby-monitors-shopping-guide-special/

Are you looking for a video or just audio monitor? Analog or Dgital? Whichever type of monitor you choose, get a good one. Sleepless nights are difficult enough without worrying about poor reception, feedback, interference, excess beeping, or too bright lights

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We have the Philips dect baby monitor. Bought from toys r us for $159.
